What happens when you look at your writing as an adventure, rather than yet another item on your perpetually crowded to-do list?
This week my writing is definitely an adventure because – I know some of the “tasks” I am writing AND I am excited to know how that writing will impact people.
I write for the people who read my words more than I write for myself.
It is when I keep you – my readers – in mind all the storms that might wreak havoc on my adventure clear up and the words flow smoothly.
Have you ever thought of “writing” and “adventure” together?
Julie Jordan Scott is the Creator of the Radical Joy of Consistency Course which helps people practice consistency and completion daily in order to experience a more incredible life experience. She came to this conclusion after almost dying and coming back to true healing by writing 377 consecutive haiku… and a lot more along her way to building that streak! To find out more about this program, visit this link, here.