I have lived much of my life as a translator but not in the conventional sense many think of when they consider the job of a translator.
One of the gifts of having my (mostly) non-verbal brother was the ability to translate his utterances both silent and auditory and later on, translating that keen ability to listen with my eyes and fingers to translate different people with different languages.
The act of writing freely will show you what you need to know.
As I wrote of this, I realized I have never found a translator of my own: someone who hears my unspoken voice, someone who tunes in and asks loving questions and speaks when I am unable. Someone who can see my thirst on my face and rises to quench it before I feel my throat constrict.
Perhaps that is what we secretly or I secretly yearn for and am only now discovering it.
Afterall, I am highly practiced at speaking up for others, for taking others’ needs and amplifying their cause – whatever the cause may be.
When you become a witness of yourself within your process, you will hear yourself more clearly.
When I step back and look at myself at a distance, I am able to love my sweet-Julie-heart and say with pure witness, “Your message matters.” My written words continue to flow:
“Your translation is offered tirelessly by Julianne (the name I use for my Highest Self). It is normal to forget your highest self stands with you, always. There are others waiting to translate, yes, but first make peace and enjoy the love Julianne offers.”
With that, I hear Julianne chime in, saying, “Share this love and witness the language of your message – you have been doing it. Now do it. More.”
Your higher self knows: your job is to use your voice to translate this higher knowing inside you.
I am being told “Use my voice to translate the messages inside me. Allow my messages room to room without worry about “getting them right” or even having them be acceptable. “
Tell me about your voice and your message. I am listening.
The greatest gift you can give the people in this world is your message. Without your continued commitment to act to bring your message forward,t the fewer people who will benefit from your work will be reached. That, beloveds, is sad. There are people – specific people – waiting for your words. Let’s get them on the page.
Julie Jordan Scott is the Creator of the Radical Joy of Daily Consistency Course which helps people practice consistency and completion daily in order to experience a more incredible life experience. She also founded the free, private facebook community for writers and creative people at all levels of experience: the Word Love Writing Community. Join us!