First: I don’t normally talk about myself in third person, but here I am and here we are – and I am incredibly grateful you cared enough to visit this blog post and hopefully let me know what resonated the most with you in my introduction and in my goals.
We’re going to do a 5 + 5 approach: 5 Unconventional Facts About Me and 5 July Goals
Facts, just the facts about me, ma’am by means of introduction:
- I am the fourth of six children. My two younger brothers have died so since December of 2021, I have been the youngest child which has been quite strange (at least for me.)
- I enjoy doing consistency projects like writing Writing Haiku for 377 Days or Hugging Trees for 377 days. It has been a while since I have taken on a new big consistency project so this month I have a top secret experiment in a shorter term to see if I still get as much joy from these activities.
- My middle name is Ann, which I always thought was exceptionally plain and ordinary. I did think for a long time that one of my heroines, Julie Andrews, was actually Julie Ann Drews, so this made my middle name much less unfortunate.
- Rivers, lakes and the ocean are among my natural friends. In July, I will experience all three.
- When I was a child I wrote letters as a hobby. Perhaps as a way to encourage my writing, my parents never complained about the cost of stamps, even though I wrote upwards of 10 letters a week or more.
GOALS for July:
- By Mid-Month, send my book to the book designer (finally, not finally, right on time.)
- Create a sustainable evening/ pre-bed routine.
- Successfully on-board my new virtual assistant.
- Participate in Summer Reading Challenge
- Maintain a learning goal around writing fiction (I usually write creative non-fiction and poetry but participated in NaNoWriMo again this year and enjoyed it very much)
Who are you and what are your goals for July? What do you resonate with from my two lists?