Last week I wrote for five minutes using this prompt image I created.
Mondays are my day to “pay attention” oftentimes after weekends which are prone to distraction.
I have only made minor edits to my “in the moment” writing using the #5for5BrainDump method.
There are so many distractions as I sit here and attempt to write for five minutes about awakening love for my writing process. I see a broom and want to sweep, I look at the clock and I want to assemble lunch for my children and get out into the money making flow “hurry it up hurry it up hurry it up!” I heaer in my inner ear. Oh, Lord I can’t do it all – my anxiety reaches for my throat to shut my voice – my writing voice – down.
Five minutes. That’s all.
My fingers continue to move, on the keyboard focused.
Reawaken love for the process.
Let go of end result. Welcome bad or mediocre or lukewarm results. (Youch!) Yes, even lukewarm.
Awaken to the process being enough. This is so un-pilgrim-esque: there must be results. My inside habits shriek!
There must be a something in order to continue I can’t just continue for a nothing that makes no sense.
*Note to self: the results come from the on-going practice. When I re-read this five minute writing, I discover content possibilities even in this short chunk of writing. I find instantly solutions for people who seek my programs, my coaching, my books and courses.
Oh, yeah, there’s that.
Process is worth all of the wonder and exhilaration of what other peole call “results” that I have had as a part of writing for five minutes a day – being on a best seller list or having twenty five people pay a thousand dollars to hear me speak.
People are pushing me and I am welcoming it.
My community is rising up to greet me and say “Bring your work forward with and for us” it is almost surreal, beloveds, almost surreal.”
If it was a job.
Is it still less than five minutes?
I hear the coffee pot call me, the coffee pot that has been creating really tasty coffee lately.
I think of the squirrel and planning and play. And me. And love. And movement.
And applause. All that in five minutes.
Now it is YOUR turn to write. Ready?
Set your timer for five minutes. I use the online timer under this link here.
Now look back up at the image and either hand write the prompt or type it into a document. Press go on your timer. No editing, no forethought, just writing. Now.
You’ve got this… What is calling for my attention is….
Julie Jordan Scott inspires people to experience artistic rebirth via her programs, playshops, books, performances and simply being herself out in the world. She is a writer, creative life coach, speaker, performance poet, Mommy-extraordinaire and mixed media artist whose Writing Camps and Writing Playgrounds permanently transform people’s creative lives. Watch for the announcement of new programs coming in soon!
To contact Julie to schedule a Writing or Creative Life Coaching Session, call or text her at 661.444.2735.
Check out the links below to follow her on a bunch of different social media channels, especially if you find the idea of a Word-Love Party bus particularly enticing.