What are the best methods to heal your stories of scarcity and lack?
It is a balance: one ought not dwell on scarcity and lack AND if we do not acknowledge, address, and integrate our past scarcity and lack, it will continue to cycle through us until we listen. Consciously addressing what was before – before we decided to heal our scarcity thinking, for example – will build a stronger foundation based in our true experiences of abundance and prosperity.
I would love for you to take your time with this, to allow your insights to flow. On the other hand, do not give it more power than it is due. Do not wallow in it, allow your scarcity story to become a part of your past.
Let it go, let it go, let it go!
1. Don’t rush to get your healing in “the done pile” because when we do that, actually move further away from completion.
Do journal: use your art journal or your photo journal or your morning pages notebook. Devote a specific space and time to your healing work.
2. Take your time. Small chunks of time over several days are sometimes the best strategy to begin.
3. Don’t be shallow. Skating on the surface just makes us itchy later. Maybe have lunch of a do take time for coffee with friends where you practice sharing some of this “itchy” and together, you may help each other gain comfort.
4. At first, going deep feels scary. It is risky! Praise yourself for this!
Your writing prompt:
The wound is the place light enters you. Your heart-directed actions are what multiplies the light.
Make a list of the times you have felt wounded in the last month.
- Start a list of when you felt wounded or hurt throughout your day. The next morning, wake up and write about one of those incidents, with an aim of possible solutions to the cycle of wounding .
- Brain storm possible actions to take to reverse the wound and continue or start the healing process.
- Please reach out to me using the contact form below if you would find personal, transformational coaching valuable.
Two questions to answer in the comments:
1) Would you value or enjoy or appreciate a Zoom Session to do a Healing Scarcity Ritual in community??
2) Write into the comments ONE scarcity thought you are ready to let go of now –
Julie JordanScott, the Creative Life Midwife, is a writer, a poet performer, a Creativity Coach, A Social Media Whiz and a Mother of three. One of her greatest joys include loving people into their greatness they just aren’t quite able to realize yet. She spent a year working as a leader of an Instagram Group and is now leveraging that experience to create a learning workshop/playshop experience about instagram based on having fun called Summer Lovin’ with Instagram. Click this link to find out more. To set up a complimentary exploratory session, please visit here. Be sure to follow her on Social Media platforms so you may participate in one of her upcoming events. You won’t want to miss a thing – your future self will thank you!