I almost hit a wall and allowed it to stop me.
Note: I almost hit a wall and allowed it to stop me.
I didn’t let it stop me.
I am here, writing. I made a video. I am on course, on track, doing this. I am doing this.
How did I begin my work in Transformational Creativity?
I began being a creative life coach, facilitating transformational programs, working with individuals to have breakthroughs in their own creative life while I continue with my multi-creative work?
The easiest way for me to narrow down the story returns me to my near-death experience in October 2019. The wall I speak of now – my health crisis – may be rooted in that continuing saga. The biggest challenge with my health is I don’t know what is causing my problem – is it more Valley Fever? Is it a benign tumor? Is it some form of cancer? I can read the CT report – which points out all into possibilities. In the past, when I hit a wall regarding my health I would stay stuck in the worry.
This time I am not, I will not get stuck in worry.
That is a big one for me.
My goal to work with people as a partner in their transformation and expanding that vision into co-creating a changed world is huge. I am not going anywhere. I am continuing on the path I started forging two decades ago.
Even if this health snag becomes larger than I want it to be, I have a team to help me through it and my work will continue. That says it all.
My work will continue because my vision is bigger than this bump in the road.
Julie Jordan Scott is the Creator of the Radical Joy of Consistency Course which helps people practice consistency and completion daily in order to experience a more incredible life experience. She came to this conclusion after almost dying and coming back to true and expanded healing by writing 377 consecutive haiku… and a lot more along her way to building that streak! To find out more about this program, visit this link, here.