Two memorable conversations keep popping into my head as I begin to write:
- Never go to bed angry.
- Love means never having to say you’re sorry.
I don’t know that I whole heartedly agree (or disagree, actually) with either of them.
I agree, it is better for our overall feelings of positivity and gratitude if we fall asleep in a state of contented curiosity rather than angry lament, but sometimes the energy of anger clears out a lot of gunk – or is that just our habitual way of experiencing the world?
I could talk (write) myself into a corner with this one and perhaps that is part of the point my subconscious and writing practice is making here.
We make it a practice to complete our brain dumps and free flow writing with thirty seconds of gratitude and praise about anything: what you may have discovered and uncovered during writing or anything at all. The point is to finish the writing practice on an emotional upswing.
If we always ended our writing practice feeling like garbage most of us would give up our writing practice. It is natural to want to feel better.
We don’t want to feel like crap, we inherently want to feel well or at least better than when we sat down to write.
Maybe part of your gratitude IS saying you are sorry.
Love and forgiveness go hand-in-hand as do love and gratitude.
Admitting our weaknesses – is a pathway to wholeness and gratitude.
(And the timer tells me five minutes is up – so this concludes today’s entry about one of my favorite secrets to always ending on an upbeat note, thus preserving the practice that is such a grand, sustaining partner in my life.)
Julie Jordan Scott inspires people to experience artistic rebirth via her programs, playshops, books, performances and simply being herself out in the world. She is a writer, creative life coach, speaker, performance poet, Mommy-extraordinaire and mixed media artist whose Writing Camps and Writing Playgrounds permanently transform people’s creative lives. Watch for the announcement of new programs coming in soon!
To contact Julie to schedule a Writing or Creative Life Coaching Session, call or text her at 661.444.2735.
Follow her on a bunch of different social media channels, especially if you find the idea of a Word-Love Party bus particularly enticing.