I must confess: I have not felt like a very good administrator of self-rescue lately. I have been distracted.
It doesn’t matter how, or why and I realize as I write this morning, it isn’t like my distraction is a permanent situation. My distraction has happened before and it may happen again.
The thing is, as my own “administrator” or Chief Courage Officer and Leader Transformational Specialist, it is within my domain to pick myself up and set myself back on the route to reunion with my best self.
So far this year has been exceptional with many breakthroughs. Just a few more will take me to my next remarkable new beginning.
Sometimes I long for a “handsome royal person” to swoop me up and out of my challenges and yet I also know what I would enjoy even more is a partner or team with whom I could work to bring my vision to life.
No sooner do those words come off the tips of my fingers I realize I have that, too, within me.
Once again, I am grateful how just a few minutes of writing brings me to an entirely different perspective. Incredible how easily it happens.
That’s how it is when we are the administrator of our own rescue! Thank you, Elizabeth Gilbert, for the flashlight!
Prompts: When I take on the role of “life administrator” it feels like….
When I consider being rescued by a (handsome) prince, my natural response is…… and in the future, I would prefer to intentionally respond….