There are times when I can’t access the exact right words to say what my heart is calling me to say. This is embarassing to admit as a writer, but I am nothing if not authentic.
Sometimes it is a feeling I’m attempting to describe, sometimes it is a concept just on the edge of language – but not quite inside the language sphere and the longer and more I try to smooosh the concept or feeling into language, the more it moves away.
Rather than get frustrated I have found a few strategies to “free” the words that are stuck inside me and then return to the writing process reinvigorated.
1. Create something that isn’t connected to language: borrow your child’s crayons and fill a sheet of lined paper with circles, then color them in. As you are drawing, focus on the experience. When you are complete with it, return to your writing with the prompt, “What I mean to say is…”
2. Go for a five to ten minute walk. As a bonus, speak affirmations and positive mantras of your choosing as you walk. Return immediately to your writing and use the prompt. “I know what I have to say is valuable. People will be thankful to know…..
3. Garden, cook, fold laundry or do other mundane chores. While doing the chores, start a very carefree inner conversation in your mind about the topic you are writing about today. Make associations to the folding, the stirring, the digging with your topic at hand. As new thoughts begin to pour in, say thank you aloud or silently. Return to the page with the words, “What I discovered is….
Here is a very short video for you about writing affirmations – similar to the walking affirmations – that may help your words flow as well.
Pick one to start with and remember these very simple and easy techniques to keep your words flowing.
?? .If you have further questions about staying in the writing flow, consider a complimentary transformational coaching conversation now. Request a session by clicking here now.
Julie Jordan Scott inspires people to experience artistic rebirth via her programs, playshops, books, performances and simply being herself out in the world. She is a writer, creative life coach, speaker, performance poet, Mommy-extraordinaire and mixed media whose Writing Camps and Writing Playgrounds permanently transform people’s creative lives.
Her life changing, free #5for5BrainDump programs are available to you this Summer by visiting this link.
To contact Julie to schedule a Writing or Creative Life Coaching Session, call or text her at 661.444.2735.
Be sure to check out her social media channels in the links above, especially if you find the idea of a Word-Love Party bus particularly enticing.