Today, it is time to rise up, separately and together.
Rising up is a choice. First, an example and a story:
I’ve been consciously walking for a couple months now, but a year ago, I could barely walk at all.I spent thirteen long days in the hospital with pneumonia, Valley Fever and Sepsis. My doctors told me I needed to include walking in my healing regime. I got good at getting out of bed and sitting up, but the walking part besides walking to the restroom and back wasn’t something I felt so great about. It took my friend Beth coming by and insisting we walk.
She held my arm and off we slowly went.
Beth and I became an instant community and we rose up, together.
After that, I was willing to walk and I did walk. People visited me and we slowly walked. I even had landmark goals like the Pumpkin window – that was a big highlight. My friend Tim tried to get me to walk more – but his suggestion felt too far.
Rising up for you may mean making a phone call (and writing a script before making that call.)
Rising up for you may mean writing for five minutes on a subject that makes you angry and you are concerned you will get angrier so you don’t do anything. By the way, one of my favorite notes to self is anger in and of itself is not bad, it may be constructive. This morning I walked 7 flights of stairs because I was angry. It worked in that instance.
Rising up may be stretching your arms over your head once a day. Write a gratitude entry about how good it feels. Repeat tomorrow twice. Tell a friend about it in a text message. Continue. Continue. Continue.
Rising up may mean writing with a friend or writing live on a zoom session
There are prompts and videos you can write with today – tag one of your writing friends and set a time to come in and use one of the #5for5BrainDump videos at the Let Our Words Flow Creative Community or one of the many prompts in the albums or by searching the popular topics that show up in the group. (Check the MEDIA tab in the group.)
Rising up may mean setting a goal today to finish editing one chapter by Friday.Today, we are rising and writing about it.
Prompts for different sorts of Writing
Copy & Paste Texts: (Simply copy, add to a text or direct message and send. You may also add your own brief message to personalize)
1. I have noticed how you rise to the occasion over and over again. Thank you for your inspiration.
2. I haven’t heard from you lately. Is there anything you are facing I may help you with? I miss hearing from you
3. Hey, I am looking for someone I may reach out to when I’m feeling stuck or need inspiration. Would you be willing to receive an occasional check in text from me?
Copy Writing and Social Media Posts
How can your product serve as encouragement to help the people who are interested in your product face their challenges?
Write a heartfelt letter to a possible client/student/buyer and then mold it into a sales letter.
Fiction Writers:
Two options:
1) Write backstory about how your main character has a history of overcoming challenges.
2) Inject a “rise up” story/scene for a secondary character that fills a more stagnant part of your book with a new energy.
Lifestyle Bloggers and Vloggers
We’re getting toward summer when people stop working towards the goals they made earlier in the year.
How can you invigorate your audiences to rise up and over whatever they’re facing amidst the realities of 2022?
Memoir/Life Writers
Make a list of the times you have chosen to rise up. If the timeline doesn’t fit within the outline of your current memoir, how might it help with fleshing out the unseen or backstory in your memoir?
Bonus: How might it be useful in marketing your memoir once it is published.
Think of metaphors for rising up and use that metaphor to write your poem. Here are some examples to start you off:1) Early shoots of flowers in late winter/early spring2) A child taking her first step3) The beginnings of a difficult conversation.
Quotes and General Prompts
“When Monrovia rises, the city rises witha bang, and I wake up with a soft prayer on my lips.”Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
Prompt: When I wake up, I…..
“Sometimes we have to reach rock bottom before we’re willing to rise up and overcome our trials.” Dana Arcuri
Prompt: I remember when I rose above rock bottom…..
“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.”
J.K. Rowling
Prompt: I am guilty of allowing failure to block my progress, and now to rewrite that story, I will ….
Finally, save this link to Maya Angelou’s classic poem, “Still I Rise” and read it as would make you feel ready to rise (even if you don’t really feel like it.)Maya Angelou’s Poem “Still I Rise“
And now, write! Run and write with the words you find here.
Rise separately, Rise together… RISE.
Julie JordanScott is a Creative Life Coach, an award-winning storyteller, actor and poet whose photos and mixed media art graces the walls of collectors across the United States. Her writing has appeared on the New York Times Best Sellers List, the Amazon best sellers list and on American Greetings Holiday cards (and other greeting cards). She currently lives in a manse in Sussex, NJ, where she is working on finishing her most recent book project, hugging trees daily and enjoys having random inspirational conversations with strangers.
Follow on Instagram to Watch IGTV exclusive videos, stories and posts about writing and the creative process.
Let our Words Flow Writing Community: the only one missing is you! Join us in the Private Writing Group by clicking here.
Victoria Juster says
Great ideas, Julie. Your suggestion to get the audience invigorated rang a bell. It’s now on my to do list. Thanks!
Laurie says
I was inspired by your determination. It’s so true that we make the smal choices that are difficult. One at a time!
Have a great day!
Ridge Haven Homestead
Melynda Brown says
I am trying to complete more creative writing. I like the idea of a writing prompt…
Kebba Buckley Button says
Julie, wow, what a lot of ways to write about rising/up! And I’m so sorry for how nasty a health adventure you had. Are you back to the health you want? Or still working on it? Btw, I still love you in that giant cup– did you make the cup? <3
vidya says
Here is hoping you walk past the goal Tim has set for you soon….This was an inspiring read through and through, and thanks for all the prompts that are definitely make me feel ready to rise up and write..