This may be exactly what you are looking for when your motivation lags.
When my motivation takes a hike farther and farther away from where it is most productive, here’s a game I play:
I take my lack centric statement and change it to the most positive, law of attraction drenched statement possible. Whether or not you believe in the law of attraction or not, switching up a cranky, needy, life sucks statement into something positive and still factual becomes a laugh inducer and a mood-shifter– at least for me.
Isn’t it worth a try?
Here is my most recent example – I would love to hear yours, too, whenever you are ready to tell me.
This morning I was considering my opportunity to drive random people around Bakersfield in exchange for green energy. I was trying not to feel bothered by the thought. I was simultaneously faced with the reality it is school vacation, both my children are home and may being a variety of people into my home when the #moreofthatplease I am seeking is a quiet bubble in a solitary space with – ideally – a beloved person delivering sustenance while I peacefully churn out words, contemplative art – that sort of thing.
I didn’t want to say “I need to drive to make some cash today right away, I’m feeling financially nervous today… “ or something to that effect.
So instead I texted Christine and said, “Why is this glorious reality of money manifestation a continual practice?”
I actually didn’t say practice in my text, I just added it now and BINGO! I’m onto something.
Practice, a la a spiritual practice – a step above a habit and alongside ritual or maybe slightly liturgical. That’s what I’m looking for, that’s what my heart seeks, that’s the playground where my soul climbs on the swing and feels her legs stretch and her hair fly behind her in the sky, separate from her body yet also attached and ever beautiful and wondrous when she is allowed to be.
It only took a few moments to retrieve what might have been hours of lament, frowning, kvetching and more than likely a bit of bickering as sauce poured over everything in a gooey mess.
To tease out the process into a how-to or recipe card file it might look like this:
- Take a moment and write it like I did, as you truthfully feel in all your gooey, mucky glory.
- Take a few deep breaths and rewrite a part of it. Be ready to feel like what you are writing is ridiculous. It may be.
- Share with a friend who understands your process. If you don’t have anyone who fits this, comment your rewrite here, on this blog post. I promise I will get you – I will understand. It’s no accident you are here, reading these words. Trust!
- Look at both phases of your writing. Be prepared to laugh and poke fun of yourself. Take a deep breath.
- Look again, this time for what is really true. Allow what is really true to find you, underneath the clutter-thought-rubble of worry, beyond the shards of broken promises and missteps into dreams that haven’t come true yet.
- Insert deep breaths where they fit (and even where it feels snug at first).
- Write again. No opinions this time, no rant or drama or hyperbole. Enjoy, no matter the outcome.
Julie Jordan Scott inspires people to experience artistic rebirth via her programs, playshops, books, performances and simply being herself out in the world. She is a writer, creative life coach, speaker, performance poet, Mommy-extraordinaire and mixed-media artist whose Writing Camps and Writing Playgrounds permanently transform people’s creative lives. Watch for the announcement of new programs coming in soon!
To contact Julie to schedule a Writing or Creative Life Coaching Session, call or text her at 661.444.2735.