An interesting thing happens when we allow intuition blended with our heart and mind to discover where to go next with our work and in managing our time.
I rediscovered this on Saturday when I sat with my mixed media materials and hopped on Periscope for my weekly #artblock broadcast. I took an art-card I thought was perfectly fine as it was and took it a tiny bit deeper: I created a three word writing prompt by circling three random words I found on the card (books, soul, claim).
I wanted to demonstrate how using random found words worked as a writing prompt: I wasn’t meaning to have a life-work changing a-ha moment.
The thing is, intuition works like that most of the time. When we’re in the flow doing whatever it is we do that brings us contentment and our heart is open rather than restricted by shoulds, musts, have-to’s and a relentless string of needs, magic happens.
I said, in a moment of excitement, “Let’s create a haiku so you may see how this works.”
Live, on my broadcast, I wrote this haiku which described my life work, one of my primary philosophies or beliefs about life and writing, and a call to action for anyone who reads the haiku.
We aspire to love: how often do I use the phrase “love” in my business? Well, I facilitate the Word-Love Writing Community Group on Facebook. I am launching Word-Love Wednesday this week on facebook live where participants may listen and share their writings on camera because I have seen and I know how powerful it is to share our writings aloud, freshly written. Last week I wrote and shared a potent affirmation on a livestream and am working on a video that reminds us all “I am love personified.” (You are love personified, we are love personified.”
Claim each time a special time. I believe in the beauty of the ordinary moment: the mountaintop experience in the flat land of day-to-day some might call dreary. I write of everyday, in the routine-bliss of life rather than the expensive, once-in-a-lifetime because in actuality, every moment is once in a lifetime, right?
Book soul moments here: transformational coaching conversations flow through my life blood. I started my coaching practice in 1999 and many, many lives have been permanently changed for the better via our coaching moments – otherwise known as “soul moments” either one-on-one or in group settings such as the Writing Intensive that starts today and the #5for5BrainDump experience last week and especially the Transformational Conversation sessions I will begin offering this week.
That moment in mixed media play turned into an affirmative to-do list I don’t know I could have created if I sat down brusque and business like to “figure out my week.” It takes both the heart to create and the mind to translate.
It isn’t either this or that – it is this AND that (another primary tenet in the Creative Life Midwife Guidebook to a Better Life.)
I mapped out my week so far this way:
- Create content that is based in love. Share across social media platforms and include links to programs. services that stress love first. Daily.
- Weave the message of how an increased experience of well-being and love floats up and into and through all the work we do, including in the free Word-Love Writing Community and via live
- Remember to honor the every day in content in the Writing Intensive program. Honor “What is” and illustrate how “What is” fits into the writer’s best (and most impactful) work.
- Write sale page for transformational coaching conversations.
- Self Care Daily.
Again, I ask you –
Finally, this haiku may also be applicable to your life.
Tell me how any and all of these lines translate into your life and or/work experience.
We aspire to love – claim each time a special time – book soul moments here
If you would like to explore these topics further, I am always available to you – simply send a text to me 661.444.2735. Just identify yourself if you text first so I will know with whom I am “speaking.”
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Julie Jordan Scott inspires people to experience artistic rebirth via her programs, playshops, books, performances and simply being herself out in the world. She is a writer, creative life coach, speaker, performance poet, Mommy-extraordinaire and mixed-media artist whose Writing Camps and Writing Playgrounds permanently transform people’s creative lives. To contact Julie to schedule a Writing or Creative Life Coaching Session, call or text her at 661.444.2735.