We often make choices based upon the things other people say to us or have said to us in the past.
“Monday isn’t a good day to…” and “People don’t like people who….”and sometimes as ridiculous as “only skinny girls may wear skinny jeans.”
There are times we don’t give any conscious thought of who from the past or present is actually steering our life. Think about it with me for a moment.
Your life may be driven by a belief implanted by someone long gone from our every day experience.
My thoughts go to my third grade teacher, who I often hear scolding me for my ugly handwriting or my siblings as children who were, like me, just doing the best they could to survive in their everyday existence, too.
Now that we are adults, we are able to – and privileged and honored to – make choices according to what we know is true. Sometimes this takes stretching our belief muscle to fully integrate that belief, to make it show up daily in our conscious actions. When we do so, we practice making other potent decisions based on passion and purpose rather than fear and scarcity.
When we choose to take passionate, conscious actions we will shape our life experience so much more richly. “One choice defines your belief. One choice can transform your life,” said Veronica Roth. Every action, every choice we make proclaims to the world what we truly believe, not just what we say we believe.
Will you make a different choice today?
Will you choose to transform your life and world today through making choices that match with what you say you believe?
Today, I’ll devote myself to following my own heart-mind-soul beliefs rather than be limited by endlessly playing loops from the scolding or just limitations imposed due to unconsciousness from others.
What about you?
Will you devote yourself to consciously make choices that serve you and the world? Will you devote yourself to consciously make choices that are in alignment with the world you want to inhabit?
Share with me as your day goes along.
I’ll be tweeting and snapchatting my adventures as a way to stay accountable.
I would love to hear your adventures as your life is transformed through the conscious choices you are making now.